These are people and organizations we support!
Hope, Healing, and Transformation
Calvary Chapel Bacolod
Calvary Chapel Bacolod in the Philippines is a simple mission for the LORD, His people and His kids. The mission is full of American and Filipino missionaries and a bunch of children and their farm. Calvary Chapel Children's Home is a safe refuge and large shelter giving a home and family for children in need for as long as there is need. Pastor Joe Rosmarino and wife Billie Rosmarino are directors/house parents. Homesteader's Supply has helped them obtain the supplies they need for making cheese!
The "Incredible" Milking Cow
This incredible Milking Cow is an interactive educational tool, allowing children of all ages to learn the art of milking and have fun doing it! They get their milking pails from us here at Homesteaders Supply! Click on the link above, and check out all that they do!
Weston A Price Foundation
Wise Traditions in food, Farming and the Healing Arts
The Foundation is dedicated to restoring nutrient-dense foods to the human diet through education, research and activism. It supports a number of movements that contribute to this objective including accurate nutrition instruction, organic and biodynamic farming, pasture-feeding of livestock, community-supported farms, honest and informative labeling, prepared parenting and nurturing therapies. Specific goals include establishment of universal access to clean, certified raw milk and a ban on the use of soy formula for infants.
A Campaign for Real Milk is a project of The Weston A. Price Foundation
Back in the 20s, Americans could buy fresh raw whole milk, real clabber and buttermilk, luscious naturally yellow butter, fresh farm cheeses and cream in various colors and thicknesses. Today's milk is accused of causing everything from allergies to heart disease to cancer, but when Americans could buy Real Milk, these diseases were rare. In fact, a supply of high-quality dairy products was considered vital to American security and the economic well being of the nation.
What's needed today is a return to humane, non-toxic, pasture-based dairying and small-scale traditional processing.
Paradise Farm
Paradise Farm is in Lyndeborough, New Hampshire at the top of a hill with a sweeping view of the surrounding countryside. We have apples, honey, bees, cows, chickens, goats and all kinds of stuff! You can pick your own apples here or buy them by the bag. When we first saw this land there was NO view, but we were taken with the potential. Within a few years we had cleared the land, planted apple trees and begun to make improvements. Last year we began to see the results of our labors and significantly increased our offerings.