Tools you need to Prevent, Detect and Manage Mastitis! Can occur in any breed of cow, goat... or really any animal which nurses her young. Primarily an issue in cattle, here are some testing kits as well as remedies with which to heal the Mastitis infection. Many of these remedies are antibiotics, so if your gal is organic, you will want to separate her from the herd until her condition clears up and the time period has passed to return her milk to an organic status depending on the regulations in your area.
Mastitis Detect Prevent Care
CMT Test Kit - Liquid Refill Case of 24
CMT Test Kit (California Mastitis Test)
Dr. Naylor Mastitis Indicators
Dr. Naylor Mastitis Indicators - Case of 12
EasyPour Quarter Milker Complete
Fight Bac Aerosol - case of 12 cans
Fight Bac Aerosol - single can
... more info
RJB Top Dipper Foamer - SET OF 4
Mastitis Detector f/Four Quarters
Mastitis Detector f/One Quarter
Ambic EasiDipper with 3 Blue Applicators
Ambic MultiDipper Complete w/3 Applicators
Ambic PeraSpray with 3 applicators
Ambic RJB PowrPump 115V - Pressure Switch
Ambic RJB PowrPump 230V - Pressure Switch
Ambic RJB PowrPump Complete with Enclosure 115 V
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Monthly Specials For October - All Milking Products