Analog Gauges
Displaying 1 to 4 (of 4 Products)
Bottom Mount Vacuum Gauge w / 0-30 In / KPA--Painted
Vacuum gauges assure accurate readings of line vacuum and provide constant monitoring for maximum herd protection. Dial is 3-7/8" in. Gauge is...
... more infoBottom Mount Vacuum Gauge w / 0-30 In / KPA--SS
Vacuum gauges assure accurate readings of line vacuum and provide constant monitoring for maximum herd protection. Large 5" diameter dial is...
... more infoGlycerine Back-Mount Vacuum Gauge w / 0-30 In / KPA
Vacuum gauges assure accurate readings of line vacuum and provide constant monitoring for maximum herd protection. Dial is 2-5/8" in., and gauge...
... more infoGlycerine Bottom-Mount Gauge w / 0-30 In / KPA
Vacuum gauges assure accurate readings of line vacuum and provide constant monitoring for maximum herd protection. Dial is 2-5/8" in diameter,...
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