Displaying 1 to 7 (of 7 Products)
Optical Refractometer for Colostrum Testing
What a great product to keep on hand to measure the quality of colostrum, right there and then! The reason to know the quality of colustrum is to...
... more infoThe SPER Clinical Refractometer works in ambient light without batteries or other power sources. It can be used in labs, in the field, or anywhere....
... more infoPalm Abbe PA201 Digital Refractometer
The Palm Abbe Digital Refractometer is fast, convenient, and easy to use to check the quality of colostrum. Simply place a drop or two of...
... more infoPalm Abbe Refractometer (Brix & Protein)
The PA202x Colostrum and Blood Serum Total Protein Refractometer will provide reliable estimates of the percent solids in waste milk and colostrum...
... more infoPalm Abbe Refractometer for Brix & Waste Milk
The PA202x Refractometer will provide reliable estimates of the percent solids in waste milk and colostrum quality using the Brix Method. The MISCO...
... more infoPalm Abbe PA203X Digital Refractometer
The PA203X Deluxe Colostrum, Serum Total Protein, Milk Solids and Hydration Refractometer will provide reliable estimates of colostrum quality, blood...
... more infoOrange Rubber Armor Jacket for Refractometer
Optional rubber armor jacket for Palm Abbe digital refractometers, protects the instrument from harsh conditions. Can be used on models 176-2001,...
... more infoDisplaying 1 to 7 (of 7 Products)
New Products For January - All Milking Products