Homestead planning is a lot of work. There’s a lot to think about. This series should help answer some questions, fill in some blanks and probably make you ask more questions. This series is also great for people who are homesteading now and planning to expand, change course or possibly even stop doing a particular activity. homestead planning
Will you want to raise birds? When I first got chicks nearly 20 years ago someone made a point I’ll never forget. He said, “Chickens are as simple or difficult as you want to make them.”

Buff Orpington
Where do you want to live?
Remote living is great if you don’t want to be near a lot of people. What’s your definition of a small town? Is it 1000 people? 400 people? 20,000 people? Be sure your real estate agent knows what you’re thinking.
Cooking and Heat
We quickly learned that life is a lot easier when you have a way to cook a hot meal, make coffee or heat water for tea and hot chocolate, and be warm.
Do you want a garden?
Gardening seems like a given on a homestead, but it isn’t. Not everyone likes to garden, or knows how to garden. None of us were born with everything we need to know about growing food. Don’t let that stop you!
Water Coming soon!
Power Coming soon!