Tag Archives: social media

Social Media Options – Join Us!

Social Media Options

Hello?  Hello?  Anyone here? Can you hear the echo at Facebook? Oh my gosh, it is quiet there. It’s like walking into an empty room. If you stop in would you please give us a like, forward something (especially blog posts!) or somehow let us know we’re not alone? Facebook is allowing only 4% of our followers to see our posts. Social media should be social, right?

Pinterest is very friendly when it comes to social media. We had a big rush of followers in November and we’re still working to catch up on following back. A good storm and a pot of coffee or tea will give us plenty of time to browse everyone’s boards, pin and follow back. Our community board, Homesteading with Homesteader’s Supply, is growing nicely. Wouldn’t you like to join us? social media

social media, homesteading newsletter

Click on the logo to subscribe to our free weekly newsletter

Our newsletter is sent out every Wednesday. We share tips, recipes and other information you won’t find on our other social media outlets. The latest blogs are linked to in the right sidebar in case you missed them.

We announce new products in the newsletter, answer questions and during the holidays, we shared family traditions sent by subscribers. It’s more than just a few links to blogs. We have great information in our newsletter.

You’ll find us on Google+, though honestly, we aren’t active enough there. Now that winter is here we’ll spend more time developing our circles.

We love Twitter! We’re always looking for new homesteaders, preppers and other like-minded people to follow on Twitter.

And of course, we blog! Homesteader’s Supply Blog. We’re working on a series on homestead planning. If you’re planning to homestead or already homesteading and looking for more information you should be able to find useful information in the series. We share recipes, tips, details on new items, homestead happenings and more. We participate in [NeighborWoods] with other homesteaders on Tuesdays. Would you like to guest blog or reblog? Get in touch! And please leave a link to your blog in our comments. We want to visit your blog, comment and build community.